Bus info

Bus lines in Formentera

Thanks to Próximo Ferry you can find out all bus lines information that links the Port of Formentera with several places on the island.

IMPORTANT: Bus is free for the resident people in Formentera. It is also free of charge if you are under 18. Also for dependent or disabled people and for their companions. Either if you are resident or tourist.

Two lines are active from the Port of La Savina:

Lines with departure and arrival at the port and that has stops in: La Savina, Sant Francesc, Sant Ferran,  Es Pujols, Sant Ferran, Es Caló, El pilar La Mola and La Savina.

You have to consider that the last journey from La Savina (22:20) goes through es Pujols.

In winter, the offer is less than what we will find in summer.

Horarios bus Formentera desde el 31 de Marzo de 2024

On Sundays and holidays, this bus line in Formentera has another schedule with the same stops: La Savina, Sant Francesc, Sant Ferran, Es Pujols, Es Caló, El Pilar.

It must be taken into account that the last trip from La Savina (22:00) passes through Es Pujols.

The L3 is the tourist line to go to Illetes beach from Port de La Savina. It will be available during high season, has a different price than regular lines, the yellow route goes directly to Illetes Beach. The blue route allows you to reach Illetes and Es Pujols, and the green route allows you to go down to Illetes, Es Pujols, Far de la Mola, and the viewpoint.

The yellow line costs €10 and the blue line costs €15.


  • Short tour ticket €2.25
  • Long-haul ticket: €3.20
  • Short 10 bonus: €15 (10 trips)
  • Long 10 bonus: €20 (10 trips)
  • Youth Bonus (under 31 years old): €25 (25 trips)

Free prices for residents of Formentera, minors, disabled people and workers with a transport card.

Bus schedules airport to the port of Ibiza.

In addition to buying your Ibiza Formentera Ferry ticket here, let us inform you about timetables to get a bus from Ibiza Airport to the port, and the catch the next ferry from Ibiza to Formentera.

Arrival at Ibiza airport with next destination Ferry

The distance from the airport to the port of Ibiza is just 8 km. Bus is the most sustainable and economical way. We recommend the Express Bus that is on service every day (working days and holidays). At Ibiza’s Airport, Bus stop is right outside the terminal building. There you will be able to get the bus to the port of Ibiza and take the next Ibiza Formentera ferry. You have to consider that the Express Bus drives you directly to the port. There are no intermediate stops. Check the bus schedules:

For further information about how to get to the port of Ibiza, read our post, How to get to the port of Ibiza to take the ferry to Formentera.

Have a good trip!