Guide in case of closure and opening of the ports of Ibiza and the port of Formentera.

Próximo Ferry | March 8, 2024

Guía para explicar el cierre de los puertos de Ibiza y Formentera

What to do in case of closure or opening of the ports of Ibiza and La Savina? When situations arise that require the closure of these ports, the conditions established in the Maritime Navigation Law will be applied. Be prepared to act in case of emergency!

In case of adverse weather conditions, the ports of Ibiza and Formentera La Savina will be closed. Constant winds exceeding 34 knots will trigger this safety measure, except for tankers and vessels carrying explosives, which will have a threshold of 22 knots.

Don’t miss the updates on the status of the ports and sail with caution! On our website/app you have all the info here.

imagen de la app de proximo ferry para comparar y reservar el ferry de ibiza a formentera

If there is suspicion of boats sailing between the ports of Ibiza and the Port of Formentera La Savina, the closure protocol will be activated. However, if weather conditions permit, docking will be allowed at the destination port, as long as there is space available and it is considered safe by the technical assistance and the captains of the ships in transit.

The manoeuvre of accessing the port and docking will be carefully evaluated to ensure the safety of the operation.

After the announcement of the closure of the port, only ships in transit between Ibiza and La Savina will be allowed to enter, as long as they are considered safe by the Local Port Control and the Captain. These instructions do not affect the mandatory pilotage rules in port.

The Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, through the “Local Port Control”, will be responsible for communicating to each affected shipping company, through its consignee, which of the two ports is open or which offers better safety conditions. We facilitate the operation of your vessels with real-time information! The opening of the port will be subject to a 30-minute observation period, during which continuous measurements will be taken to ensure the necessary safety conditions. Don’t miss this opportunity to sail with total peace of mind!

Announcement of port closure.

Once the reasons for the closure have been confirmed, the Chief of Port Police or his delegate will immediately communicate by telephone with the Delegate of the ports of Ibiza and the Port of Formentera La Savina (or their representative) to obtain their approval.

Once approval has been obtained, the Chief of Port Police or their delegate will communicate the closure of the port via email.

Communication of the opening of the port of Ibiza and Formentera.

The information about the causes that led to the closure of the port can come in two ways: through the technical assistance of the port traffic management, coordination, and control service, or by direct observation of the Port Authority staff.

Once the reopening of the port for the ferries operating on the Ibiza and Formentera route is announced, measures will be taken to minimize the impact caused by the closure.

The ferry closest to the opening or closing time of the port will be the first to set sail, as long as it has been coordinated with the port traffic service. This way, trips will resume and schedules will be adjusted as planned. Get ready to set sail as soon as the order is given!

cierre de los puertos de Ibiza y Formentera

Remember that at proximoferry, we will keep you informed of ferry cancellations and sea conditions, don’t forget to download our APP to receive all notifications in your hand and not miss anything.

Source: information from the Port Authority of the Balearic Islands, more info here