Travel by ferry Alcúdia Ciutadella

Próximo Ferry | September 15, 2023

How to book your ferry from Mallorca(Alcúdia) to Menorca (Ciutadella) at the best price, get discounts, schedules, shipping companies, take your car and travel with your pet. All the information for your trip on Próximo Ferry. Keep reading!

  • Where does the ferry Mallorca to Menorca leave from?
  • How long does the boat take from Alcúdia to Ciutadella?
  • Which maritime companies operate on the Alcúdia <> Ciutadella line
  • How much does the ferry from Alcúdia to Menorca cost?
  • How much does it cost to go by ferry to Menorca by car?
  • Ferry Mallorca Menorca schedules
  • How can I book my ferry ticket from Alcúdia to Ciutadella?
  • Can I travel with a pet on the ferry from Alcúdia to Ciutadella?

Where does the Mallorca or Menorca ferry leave from?

The port of Alcúdia in Mallorca, is on the north coast, it is one of the oldest ports on the island. From there the ferry conects to Menorca and also to Barcelona.

How to get to the Port of Alcúdia

From the airport: you can take the bus and in approximately 20 minutes it will leave you in the center of Palma. Get off at the Plaza de España, and there you can take the bus that arrives to Alcúdia. You have the bus schedules here.

You also have the option of taking a taxi at the Airport terminal. There are also several companies that rent cars.

You can arrive from the Península from the ports of Barcelona, Valencia or Dènia and from other islands, Ibiza or Menorca by ferry. With this option you can directly board your vehicle on board with the freedom and comfort of not depending on other transportation at the destination. It is one of the advantages of traveling comfortably by ferry, your luggage will go inside.

The duration of the journey is 7 to 8 hours, depending on the ferry. On our website you can compare all the companies, price and duration to choose the one that interests you the most.

How long does the ferry take from Alcudia to Ciutadella?

On this line, fast ferries operate that take one hour to connect the two ports. You can also find another ferry model that is not as fast and takes about two hours to reach Menorca.

Which maritime companies operate on the line from Alcúdia to Ciutadella

Currently, you can find three maritime companies that provide service between the two ports: Trasmed, Menorca Lines and Baleària.

With Trasmed and Baleària, you can also travel from the Península to the Balearic Islands.

Frequencies vary in high or low season, you can find an average of 8 or 10 daily departures. In Próximo Ferry, you can compare all daily departures in real time, so you can easily plan your trip comfortably.

How much does the ferry from Alcúdia to Menorca cost?

The price of the Alcúdia to Ciudatella ferry depends on the company, the ferry selected and how far in advance you book. The more flexible your trip is, the cheaper your ferry ticket will be, average price of 117€ per person round trip.

On our website you can find offers from all shipping companies, so you can save on your ferry tickets.

How much does it cost to go by ferry to Menorca taking your car on board?

With all companies you can travel with your car, we advise you to check all the services offered by each ferry on our website. and compare the price of each company, since it depends on several factors, type of ferry, travel date, flexibility in booking… the average cost of taking your car on the ferry to Menorca is from 150€.

Ferry Mallorca Menorca schedules

The schedules can change, they adapt according to the season of the year, normally the first ferry that leaves for Menorca is at 4:30 in the morning and the last at 6 or 6:30 p.m.

How can I book my ferry ticket from Alcúdia to Ciutadella?

Because the frequency and duration varies in all companies, we advise you to do a real-time search on Próximo Ferry, and this will show you all the information for your trip updated on a single page and you will not have to visit the schedules of each ferry in the different companies.

If you are going to visit the island, we leave you this post about one of the places you could visit, Binibeca Vell

Can I travel with a pet on the Alcúdia to Ciutadella ferry?

You can travel with your pet on all the ferries that link Alcúdia with Ciutadella, you have to indicate it in the reservation and bring a valid health card. We recommend that you bring a carrier and a leash with a muzzle to board the ferry. The staff on board will show you the area where your pet can travel.

And remember, you can check the offers of all the companies on the web here.